SwaggerHub, a new SAAS tool for API Lifecycle management, has just released real-time comments for the popular SwaggerHub product. In addition to shared components (SwaggerHub Domains) and GitHub code synchronization, SwaggerHub now makes it easy to communicate and collaborate directly on API definitions.
Creativity thrives when people work in groups, and communication is key to a group’s success. Good communication maximizes shared knowledge in the workspace, allowing for faster development and better synchronization.
The SwaggerHub team wants to embody this very spirit when building APIs, with the latest feature, SwaggerHub comments!
This new feature allows users to discuss ideas and share their thoughts on building APIs in a team, directly on the SwaggerHub Editor. In a nutshell, the feature enables users to comment and reply to these comments on specific lines of the API description on the SwaggerHub editor. That means you can now interact with your team, get feedback on the API design and deliberate on new API projects, all on the Swagger Editor itself!
How does it work?
Swagger comments serve as tickets on your APIs and Domains, bringing issues and ideas to the attention of your project stakeholders. Let’s start by adding a collaborator, found on the top-right corner of your API and Domain.
Now that you’ve added some devs on your Swagger spec, you can interact with them via comments. You can add and view comments on your API and Domain spec using the new Comment Bar. Click on the `+` button on the left of each line of the Swagger spec to add your Swagger comment from the Comment Bar.
The Comment Bar houses all the comments, both resolved and unresolved, on the API spec, sorted by line. You can access the Comment Bar anytime from the Swagger UI. Think of this space as your team’s record keeper, keeping track of all suggestions, questions or issues your collaborators find in your API project. Clicking on `Show Comments` brings the Comment Bar to view.
Collaborators can add, reply to, resolve and re-open SwaggerHub Comments on any line of the Swagger spec. Best part is, these comments are updated in real time, so you don’t need to do those annoying page refreshes to see what your team has to say.
Head on over to SwaggerHub for more information!