Swagger Codegen

Swagger Codegen can simplify your build process by generating server stubs and client SDKs for any API, defined with the OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger) specification, so your team can focus better on your API’s implementation and adoption.


Take Your API Development to the Cloud in SwaggerHub

Move from design to development faster in the integrated SwaggerHub platform

Generate Servers Remove tedious plumbing and configuration by generating boilerplate server code in over 20 different languages OpenAPI Specification Improve API Consumption Generate client SDKs in over 40 different languages for end developers to easily integrate with your API Automate Cucumber Solutions Continuously Improved Swagger Codegen is always updated with the latest and greatest changes in the programming world

Generate Server Stubs & Client SDKs in SwaggerHub

Moving from design to development has never been easier with Swagger Codegen in SwaggerHub. API Definition files can be used to create stubs in popular languages, like Java, Scala, and Ruby, with just a few clicks.

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What's new in the Swagger Codegen?

Announcing Support for OAS 3.0

This latest release enables users to use the Swagger Editor to describe OAS 3.0 APIs, and the Swagger UI to visual and automatically generate documentation of an API defined in OAS 3.0.

Contributing to the Swagger Codegen

The Swagger Editor is just one open source project in the thousands that exist in the Swagger ecosystem. The source code is publicly hosted on GitHub, and you can start contributing to the open source Swagger Codegen project.
View Swagger on GitHub

SwaggerHub for Teams

For teams that want to streamline their API workflow and deliver awesome APIs faster than ever before.

  • Interactive Editor
  • Collaborate on Files
  • Hosted Documentation
  • Design Auto-Mocking

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SwaggerHub Enterprise

For organizations that need to work across multiple teams in a secure environment, available on-premise or on the cloud.

  • API Standardization
  • Reusable Domains
  • Teams and Projects
  • On-Prem Installation

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