We are excited to announce initial support for code generation with OpenAPI Specification 3.0 (OAS 3.0) in SwaggerHub!
Code generation for OAS 3.0 has been one of the most requested features, as more and more teams move from Swagger 2.0 to OAS 3.0. This initial release is the first wave of supported languages, and includes some of our the most used server stub & SDK options, including:
Client SDKs:
- html2
- java
- php
- swift3
- swift4
- typescript-angular
Server Stubs:
- jaxrs-di
- jaxrs-jersey
- jaxrs-resteasy
- jaxrs-resteasy-eap
You can now log in, open a new or existing API definitions and access the code generation options from the ‘export’ menu in the top right of the definition editor.

When coupled with the powerful conversion functionality to migrate from 2.0 to 3.0 in SwaggerHub, or the ability to easily push any of these SDKs to the repository system of your choice — we are now making it easier for teams to standardize on OAS 3.0, and take full advantage of the capabilities of the latest version of the OpenAPI Specification. As well as support for OAS 3.0 code generation, the team has made several additions to enhance the usability of the platform.
Customize Your Editor Experience
We’ve received a lot of feedback from users that want to be able to customize the SwaggerHub editor for a better design experience. The editor saw several tweaks to support both better readability – from variable font sizes to a wider set of color palette options.
We’ve also made some behind the scenes tweaks to address some of the performance issues that have been raised by users.
Intuitive Notifications for Comments
Comments can be used to communicate changes, and track issues throughout the design and review process.
One small improvement that was introduced to Comments, is that users can now see how many requests are waiting to be resolved. Rather than having to search through issues to understand which comments have been addressed, you can now see the number of unresolved comments at a glance.

New Rules Added to Style Validator
The Style Validator tool in SwaggerHub helps teams standardize their API design process, by selecting from a selection of style rules that can be enforced across a set of APIs. We have added three new options to the list of rules in Style Validator:
- Operation must have one and only one tag
- Operation must have at least one 2xx response
- Operation must have a default response
We are excited to bring these new features and functionality to Swaggerhub and look forward to seeing what creative uses teams will come up with around the new version of the specification.
Try these new features now. Log in to get started. New to SwaggerHub? Get started today for free.
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