API General Info
It is considered to be a good practice to include general information about your API into the specification: version number, license notes, contact data, links to documentation, and more. We particularly recommend doing this for publicly available APIs; as this will can increase user confidence in the services, your company provides. To specify the API metadata, you use properties of the top-level info
1openapi: 3.0.42info:3 # You application title. Required.4 title: Sample Pet Store App5
6 # API version. You can use semantic versioning like 1.0.0,7 # or an arbitrary string like 0.99-beta. Required.8 version: 1.0.09
10 # API description. Arbitrary text in CommonMark or HTML.11 description: This is a sample server for a pet store.12
13 # Link to the page that describes the terms of service.14 # Must be in the URL format.15 termsOfService: http://example.com/terms/16
17 # Contact information: name, email, URL.18 contact:19 name: API Support20 email: support@example.com21 url: http://example.com/support22
23 # Name of the license and a URL to the license description.24 license:25 name: Apache 2.026 url: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html27
28# Link to the external documentation (if any).29# Code or documentation generation tools can use description as the text of the link.30externalDocs:31 description: Find out more32 url: http://example.com
The title
and version
properties are required, others are optional.
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